I want to die but I’m not suicidal

Death but not by suicide. Depression

I want to die but I’m not suicidal. I’m just so tired of fighting for the basic necessities in life. Nothing is free. If I died today, it would cost more to bury me than I will ever have the money to do it.

I have been struggling my whole life. Nothing is ever easy. Everything takes effort. Sometimes I don’t even know how I made it through the morning just to get out the door.

Everyone else makes things look so easy, so fun. They always seem to have an endless supply of energy. While I am doing everything I can to just go to work and come home and do the basic upkeep on my shithole of a rental.

Everything I own is ruined by mold, dust, clumpy cat hair or just plain old. I don’t have the money to replace anything.

I suck at life. How much longer do I have to do this?

Author: daydreamsandmoodswings

My life, thoughts, experiences, and feelings are never simple or straightforward. Sometimes I'm a complicated mess of wants and needs. This is my humble home in cyber space where I hope to share my life.

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